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Blood on the Wind

Writer: Fictional HangoverFictional Hangover

Blood on the Wind by Dawn Kurtagich

the book Blood on  the Wind by Dawn Kurtagich on a red and white background with splotches of light blue

Roan 1851

Roan wakes from the fire that destroyed everyone she loves, Rapley, Emma, Seamus, Cage… Fostos… Her hair is gone, her clothes are gone, but she is whole, unburnt by the fire. She sees the Ram and laments that he lied to her, he said Rapley would survive, but no, he did not. He would never lie to her. She looks across the way at Mill House, seemingly normal, and longs to retreat to the caves where she and Rapley found love, but then, far away, she sees someone running to a carriage. Fostos. He, like she, did not burn in the fire. He lives. And she must stop him.

Roan goes back inside Mill House, surrounded by Seamus’s snakes, and shouts at them that he is dead. She does not know what to do inside this dead house, and finally decides to go back home to London where her father taught her the Devil's Tongue. She dresses and grabs her book of conjures, then flees Mill House and its memories. She comes upon a tavern seeking water, but is accosted by a man who removes her bonnet, revealing her baldness. She runs and is followed by a lady working in the tavern who brings her ale and bread, but they taste of nothing but ash and she vomits them back up. She hears the men inside who have decided to chase after her and she steals one of their horses and gallops away. She rides the horse until he collapses and dies, blood frothing from his nostrils. The blood calls to Roan and she drinks the horse dry, but then her skin begins to tingle as the sun rises. She drags the horse away from the road easily, with unknown strength, rips open its ribcage, removes its bowels and climbs inside to hide from the sun.

Roan makes it back to her father's home, hoping to find it empty. She opens the kitchen door and tries to enter but is barred by some work of the Beast. A caretaker finds her, inviting her inside, and somehow she can go. The caretaker tells her she tried to find her and sent letters to Mill House, but Maudley told her she never arrived. Lies. Well, how he's dead. The caretaker tells Roan she is the rightful owner of the house, so they might be able to do something to ensure she gets it instead of it being sold. Roan asks the caretaker for water and uses the time she is away to sneak down to the hidden cellar and uses a conjure to conceal herself within. She looks through the forbidden books on her old bookshelf, finds a journal and gathers them all up in a bindle made from her old bedsheets. She changes clothes and thinks of the time she used to spend in the house with Adam, or Rapley as he is now known, and suddenly, his face appears to her.

Rapley is not truly gone! As Roan stares at his figure, she sees another face appear: Fostos. She also sees a building. They are in London! She leaves the cellar and runs into the caretaker who is angry that she disappeared. Roan sinks her newly grown fangs into the woman and drinks her dry, not realizing until it is too late that the front door is open and a policeman saw her murder the caretaker. Roan, full of lifeblood, runs from the police, even the one on horseback, and into an alley. At first, Roan fears she is trapped, but she soon realizes she's not and easily climbs the brick wall. She throws her bonnet down, confusing the policeman who finds it.

Roan 1852

Roan realizes after her hunger immensely grows and she eats an entire family that she is with child. Her child with Rapley who will no doubt be like she is, marked by the Beast. She wants to destroy the child but ultimately decides against it. She buys a small place from a man that asks no questions and delivers her baby in a dingy alley off the streets of London. She is so hungry and she almost eats her baby, but eats the placenta instead, then carries her baby to a convent and surrenders her, asking the mother superior to smear blood on the lintel out front if her daughter begins to display any darkness, if she is Unclosed, and the nun agrees. Before leaving, Roan shares the baby's name, stitched onto the corner of her shawl: Raplen.

Len 2019

Len, Zoey and Poulton arrive in London at Roan’s tiny hovel in St. Bartholomew's Alley, but Roan is not there. Zoey is still paralyzed from the Conjures she did to survive the end of book one, please see that summary for details, so Len carries her and places her on a tiny bed in front of a wall of books. Roan told Len to come to this place if she ever needed her, so Len is sure she left some clue of how to locate her, she just needs to find it.

Zoey 2019

Zoey feels nothing. She watches Len and Poulton hate each other and Poulton hate himself for what he did in Mill House. She just wants to sulk. She imagines herself as a camera, her eyes the shutter and lens, taking pictures of what she sees around herself, because that's all she can do.

Len 2019

Len looks at book after book after book until she finds a tiny journal that somehow calls to her. She opens it to find her own handwriting from 1888 when she was 26 years old. She hasn't aged and can't die, but she also can't remember ever visiting this hovel. She notices Conjures on the front and reads them, then all her memories come flooding back. She sealed them away and tells Zoey, but when she asks for her to explain, to tell them her life story, she runs away instead. 

Raplen 1860

Young Len, Raplen as she was once called, sneaks out of her bed at the nunnery one Friday. She doesn't need to sleep as much as the other girls, or eat as much as them either. She makes her way to the cemetery and meets a woman there who introduces herself as Roan. The two get along very well and promise to meet again, midnight friends. Raplen goes back inside and is caught by Mother Superior who sentences her to three days in solitary confinement with only water and her Bible. Raplen is worried that while she is gone, the other orphan girls will be mean to a girl called Nancy. They froze her hair the last time Raplen was in trouble, so she cut all of theirs in retaliation. What might they do this time?

Len 2019

After Len unbound her memories, she ran miles and miles away and vomited. When she returned, she refused to tell Zoey and Poulton anything. Now she's giving Zoey a sponge bath and they're joking and things are better, until suddenly they aren't. Zoey’s legs begin to hurt her and she screams. Len sends Poulton to steal some painkillers while she tries to soothe Zoey's aches. Zoey asks Len to tell her a story and so she does.

Raplen 1867

Several years have passed and Raplen still visits with Roan on Fridays. They have smelling contests, to see who can smell something the farthest away. Then Raplen hears a puppy, ignoring Roan, and takes it inside, convincing the Sisters to let it stay. For two weeks, they have a puppy, but one night it freezes to death. Raplen feels a tingle in her fingertips and pulls at it like a rope, bringing back the ghost of the dog, but is unable to reunite it with its body.

Roan 1867

Roan, after draining a rapist creep, watches on as her daughter performs some sort of necromancy, drawing the ghost of the dog back to its body. Varr, the worst of the Conjures, the Breaker, the Destroyer, comes forth from Roan without her consent and rushes to Raplen, trying to kill her. Roan tried to use Varr’s power nearly sixteen years before on Raplen before she was born, but she was stopped by a witch named Selene who used her Conjures to heal instead of harm. Roan locked Varr away after that and hasn't pulled him forth since. She finds Selene again and tells her what she just witnessed and they wonder if there are other Conjures they haven't discovered yet. Roan decides that she can't visit her daughter again for fear that Varr will destroy her. 

Raplen 1867

Raplen is found by the Abbess and taken into solitary confinement. Nancy visits her and sneaks her bread and Raplen apologizes for the loss of the dog, but then Nancy is caught visiting and punished as well. When Raplen is finally released from solitary, nine days later, she worries about missing a visit from Roan and that she might not return. She is also worried about Nancy who is nowhere to be found. Raplen goes to the Abbess and learns Nancy is in the sick room and goes to visit her. Raplen realizes Nancy has been beaten to punish her.

Zoey 2019

Zoey listens to Len’s story about Nancy and feels extremely jealous. She wants to know more of their life together and wonders if they were together until Nancy withered away and died, but she can't ask. Poulton goes out to steal some dinner, but Len gives him money from who knows where. Len decides to keep looking through all the books in the hovel and Zoey knows, hopes?, she'll find answers soon. She really wants to know more about Nancy though.

Raplen 1867

Raplen tries to convince Nancy to run away with her, arguing that freedom is better than being beaten or thrown in the box that is solitary confinement, but Nancy does not want to leave. Mother Superior calls them to her office, not for punishment, she says, but it is. A man called Mr. Rothersham has come seeking a wife and chooses Nancy as he disgustingly twirls his mustache. Raplen yells but is dismissed, and Nancy does not follow.

Roan 1867

Roan writes a letter to Raplen, telling her that she hoped being raised by nuns would keep Raplen's darkness at bay, the darkness that Roan gave to her, but it hasn't and the Conjure inside her calls to her own and she cannot contain it, so she must stay away from her. She signs the letter “your mother” but doesn't expect that her daughter will ever get to read it.

Raplen 1867

Raplen is punished for her rudeness about Mr. Rothersham and is sad about Nancy, but Nancy comes to her one night and they decide to run away together. The Abbess sees them as they steal bread and cheese, but does not stop them. Nancy struggles with their life on the streets, but Raplen promises to care for them. She watches a group of boys steal from street vendors and then break into houses, so she tries, too. Unfortunately, she finds she cannot enter the houses for an unknown reason. Nancy gets upset at the thievery, so Raplen gets a job as a matchstick girl. They live in an abandoned factory and, on the night of Nancy's birthday, Raplen gives her a cake with a candle and they kiss. Nancy is disgusted even though she kissed Raplen back and in the morning, she is gone.

Zoey 2019

Zoey is still extremely jealous of Nancy and questions if Len followed her back to the nunnery. Instead of answering, Len instead describes getting phossy jaw from being a matchstick girl and swallowing her own pus but healing while everyone else around her got horribly sick. When Zoey presses about following Nancy, Len abruptly leaves, voices inside Zoey's head telling her that Len is flaunting her wellness and ability to move. When she is gone, Zoey yells at Poulton to get Len’s diary and read it to her, telling him he owes her. Uh, nah. He basically gave up his life for her and tells her as much, almost storming out, too. Instead though, he grabs the diary and reads.

Raplen 1868

Raplen realizes that Nancy would only go back to the convent so she runs all the way there, worrying about Nancy the whole time. Unfortunately, by the time she gets back, Nancy has already called for Mr. Rothersham and gotten married. One of the sisters gives Raplen the address of his home and there, she sees Nancy in an upstairs window. Raplen easily scales the wall and she and Nancy kiss, but Nancy refuses to leave with Raplen or invite her in. Mr. Rothersham enters the room and sees them, then violently beats Nancy to death, while Raplen watches on, unable to do anything to help. He sees her and calls her a witch.

Len 2019

Len comes in to find Poulton reading her diary to Zoey and nearly loses it. She's so angry. Those are her memories. That is her life. She finally cools off and tells Zoey that she is her life now even though Nancy was before and that they're going to have to leave to find Roan, but Len will have to find somewhere safe to leave Zoey. Zoey is furious at being left behind, but Len is going to have to draw Roan out, and that might be dangerous. 

Zoey 2019

Zoey dreams of Mill House and the horrors there but wakes suddenly when Poulton comes in with a newspaper revealing that Zoey's mother is frantically searching for her. Zoey doesn't want to go back home, especially because she knows her mom will know that she's paralyzed from Working her Conjures. She tells Len it's time for them to go, time for her to be left somewhere safe.

Len 2019

That somewhere safe is the convent where she grew up, St. Catherine's, but now it is a safe space for women who have been affected by Conjures. After some convincing, Len and Poulton leave to find Roan while Zoey is left behind with the nuns. Len has to craft a charm for Poulton to wear so she doesn't eat him when she starts on her plan to get Roan to come back. The Conjure requires Len to rip out one of her own teeth, which she does, but it grows back immediately. Now they have to test it.

Len and Poulton go out into the gritty streets of London until she finds a man about to sexually assault a young girl. The perfect mark! Len eats him and carves the Varr Conjure into his chest as a breadcrumb for her mother. She turns back to Poulton with her vampire teeth on display, covered in blood, and realizes she can't smell him, so the charm works. After he vomits in shock and terror, he tells her that she's going to have to tell him the rest of her story because clearly some key things are missing. 

Raplen 1868

Raplen quietly watches Mr. Rothersham and he does not leave the house for some time. He is afraid of her. One night, he sits with his window open and says he knows she's there, but, sitting on the roof where he cannot see, she doesn't react. She hears his heartbeat slow to a less fearful pace, but she still does not react. The next day, he finally calls his carriage to go into town, thinking the witch is gone. Raplen is there though, and she eats his face. He gurgles “witch” as he dies, and Raplen says “yes.” Afterward, she goes back to St. Catherine's and speaks to the Abbess. She says she knew Raplen would be like the person who dropped her off, with blood on her mouth, and tells her how to summon her, with blood on the lintel. Raplen slices her skin, smears her blood, and waits.

Len 2019

In the present, Len does the same thing. Poulton wants to go inside and see Zoey, but they cannot. She slices her hand, smears her blood, and waits.

Raplen 1868

Raplen waits, but no one comes. Feeling desperately alone, she decides she wants to take her own life, but it doesn't work. She tries again and again and her body heals itself each time. Now she decides to go on a rampage. She attacks and kills and drinks treacherous men attacking women. Finally, her midnight friend returns. She reveals herself to be Raplen's mother and says she will teach her better ways of feeding and concealing what she is and does. Raplen is disgusted, but agrees to be taught. 

Zoey 2019

Zoey is taken to a room by four sisters, Swallow, Pea, Wren, Finch, and met by Abbess Crane. She introduces who will be Zoey's companion while she's at the Abbey, Sister Robin. Zoey thinks the bird names are stupid and asks where Sister Tit is, thinks she's being funny, and learns that Sister Tit will be bringing her dinner later. Robin explains that they choose new names as a symbol of leaving hurt behind and finding a new family. Zoey thinks of telling Robin about what happened to her, but explains instead her blood price for Conjuring coming from her ancestor Hermione Smith (see book one!) who put a price on her family's magic in hopes of getting rid of it. She then complains about being left behind by Len and Poulton even though she knows Len thinks she's doing the right thing trying to save her. A voice in her head tells her that Len left her behind so easily. Sister Robin tells her she will never be a burden at the Abbey because they are a family where no one is left behind. 

Len 2019

Len and Poulton continue to wait for Roan, Poulton complaining pretty much the entire time. He convinces Len to continue her story about her time with Roan. She learned about Roan’s past, that Roan made a deal in order to survive Mill House like they had to, and that deal impacted her because she was pregnant with her at the time, which is why Roan is a vampire and why Len can survive with or without drinking blood if she chooses to. She also learned how to use a fire Conjure to destroy the corpses she left behind after eating and says that they only killed despicable people, but Raplen left her after an incident with an innocent.

Raplen 1898

Years have passed but Raplen barely notices, so wrapped up in her bloodlust. One night, she decides she wants to eat a chimney sweep, but she doesn't realize that he has a young girl with him. While Raplen eats, the girl falls and nearly dies. Roan tells her to snap the girl's neck and be done with it because she's dying anyway, but Raplen refuses and begs Roan, her mother, to heal her. Roan reluctantly agrees and together they take the girl to Selene, the Soother, the water witch. She uses the power of the Thames, which pours from her mouth, and Roan’s body to heal the child. Where every broken bone mends on the girl, Roan’s breaks. Afterward, they take the girl to St. Catherine's, which makes Raplen angry, so she decides to leave Roan behind. This is where Roan tells Raplen to go to the small hovel in St. Bartholomew's Alley for a clue to find her again if she ever needs her. Raplen refuses.

Zoey 2019

Zoey wakes in the middle of the night to a dark figure watching her from the corner of her room, grumbling. She tells it to go away and it does. Or maybe it was never there at all? 

Roan 1898

Leaving Raplen behind, Roan boards a ship bound for America. She has filled her pockets with rocks from London and, in the middle of the night when no one can see, she plummets off the side of the ship into the icy depths below. She sinks down down down to the bottom of the Atlantic, but she does not drown, she does not die for she does not need to breathe. Time passes and she encounters a creature she comes to know as the Deep who tells her that no life is forever, everything dies, and then Roan finally decides she wants to return. She has this knowledge now, that she can die if she only finds the way, and that is enough. She rises to the surface.

Zoey 2019

Zoey has a dream in which a hooved creature… a mule? a horse? a ram? asks her what she would give to feel the earth beneath her feet again. Anything, of course. The next day, Sister Robin feeds her breakfast and asks about her sleep and her dreams. Zoey thinks it's foolish to tell of dreaming to walk again when it's impossible. Sister Robin asks if they can say a prayer together, which Zoey thinks is stupid. Sister Robin asks if Zoey thinks it helped and she lies, saying that she thinks it does. Sister Robin shares something then. When she first arrived at the Abbey, she had horrible burn scars, but there is a hot spring beneath the church that healed her. Maybe, if it's okay with Abbess Crane, she can take Zoey there.

Roan 1900

When Roan emerges from the sea, she has no idea where she is. She asks a startled man the way to London and then kills him, stealing his shirt and money. Along her long journey on land instead of sea, she eats animals instead of people, and hears stories people tell of her, describing her as a witch or other evil creature of the night. They aren't wrong, of course, but she knows she has been seen and must try harder to keep herself hidden. She sees a poster advertising a doctor who knows how to find the human soul and that doctor is Andrew Fost, Fostos, not even trying to conceal himself. She doesn't know how to kill him, or herself, yet, but she will learn, and then the world will be rid of them both.

Len 2019

Len finally decides to give up on waiting for Roan after smearing blood on the lintel at St. Catherine's and tells Poulton it's time to try her way again, aka murdering people. Poulton thinks Roan might be dead and that's why she didn't come, but Len uses her death rope power to see if Roan is in the world of the dead. She is not.

Zoey 2019

Sister Robin takes Zoey to the hot springs, holding her up in the water. If she were to let go, Zoey would drown, but the sister does not let go. Zoey thinks about that, and she thinks about Len leaving her behind. Sister Robin massages Zoey’s legs and … she can feel it! The healing hot springs actually work! Well… a little. Sister Robin, or just Robin as she allows Zoey to call her now, asks what Zoey was experiencing when she regained feeling… rage and anger, mostly. Robin tells her to hold on to that and promises to take Zoey to the springs again the next week even though they normally don't get to go but once a month, maybe. 

Roan 1900

Roan makes her way to where Fostos will be presenting, all the while thinking of how she can kill him, or, failing that, trap him for eternity. She decides she will watch him, and then sees his poster pasted to a wall. She rips it down and is suddenly hit from behind. There is a fight, but Roan knows she cannot die, until, that is, she is stabbed with what looks to be a silver blade. Roan slinks away into the sewers, ready, joyfully, to die.

Zoey 2019

Zoey is still seething about being paralyzed and wanting to go to the springs again. Robin says she'll have to wait a few weeks for her turn again, but she has something else planned now. They sit in anger again and say a prayer and Zoey is able to squeeze Robin's hand! Later, Robin wheels Zoey into a dining corridor with several other nuns sitting around a table where they enjoy a secret ice cream party. Zoey gets mad again about them all flaunting the ability to move and then Robin reveals that Sister Wren came to them blind, but now she can see. Unfortunately Abbess Crane shows up then and the party is over. She doesn't seem upset about it, except for the fact that she wasn't and is never invited. Zoey asks her about shame and guilt since they're all nuns, but the Abbess says that they aren't nuns and have never said they were. Zoey then looks around and realizes there are snakes carved into everything and asks if the Abbess is Unclosed. Yes. They all are.

Roan 1900

Roan wakes in a bed in a room full of books, some sort of library. She has been undressed and her knife wound has been stitched closed. A man called Gabel enters with a bowl and makes Roan drink from it. It's a mixture of a medicine and pig blood that should help her heal. Roan seems a little confused about Gabel knowing about her and helping her, but accepts it, especially after he locks her in.

Zoey 2019

Zoey is furious at Robin for lying to her about being Unclosed and only saying that they were there because they had been damaged by Conjures, but Robin says Zoey wouldn't have trusted them to help if she knew they were Unclosed. Zoey says that's a lie. Robin then tells her that the prayers they've been saying are actually Conjures, which makes Zoey mad because of the blood price she has to pay, but Robin says she hasn't paid that price, which Zoey says is because she hasn't lied, but she has. She never believed the prayers would help. Robin tells Zoey she has been Conjuring without telling the truth and without paying a blood price and that she has the power to heal herself. 

Roan 1900

Gabel reveals himself to be Nephilim, which Roan scoffs at, but if she is of the Beast, why can't he be from an Angel? He then shows her books of other women like her, all powerful deities like Nyx, Hecate, The Morrigan, Medea and many others, all Unclosed, all marked by Varr, the Breaker. Then he reveals that she was hunted by Crucisvigil, like Cage at Mill House she remembers, and they know how to kill creatures like her. If she wants vengeance on them, she should stay, heal and rest, and learn about the relic that was used against her, but if she just wants to die, she could stop drinking her blood-soup and let the wound take her. She wants vengeance of course, and so, Gabel says he has a lot to teach her. 

Zoey 2019

Robin has asked Zoey to join them, but Zoey isn't keen on joining a cult. Robin says they're not a cult, they are a sisterhood, but really, they feel kinda cultish. Zoey asks Robin to write down the words to the prayer they shared that is actually Conjures and Robin tells her she is strong and doesn't need that, but writes it anyway. Zoey repeats the words over and over and laughs when she can wiggle her toes. 

Roan 1900

Roan reads a lot of Gabel’s books and finds one, a handwritten, unnamed one, about Fostos, and it seems that Gabel has written it himself. He shares another book with her, this one written by Jenny, the young maid who escaped Mill House while she was there. It is a highly fictionalized account in which Roan is a money grubber and Rapley is a wealthy brat and Emma is lustful. Roan tells Gabel the true story. She is angry about everything, but Gabel tells her this will pass. Women in the past marked by Varr were remembered as Goddesses, so it's best to just be who you are, which is similar to something the Deep said to her, too.

Zoey 2019

Zoey dreams of flying/floating over the house she grew up in and turns around to see if she has wings. She doesn't, but she does have a magnificent pair of horns. She taps her fingers together, feeling a jolt of power. She wakes, floating near the ceiling of her room and taps her fingers together again, still able to feel the power. She repeats the Conjure, thinks of her rage, and realizes there is no effort or blood price, but there is delicious power, and she can feel it.

Roan 1900

A letter from Crucisvigil arrives at the library requesting Gabel give Roan up. He suggests she meet with them and “borrow” one of their relics so she can kill Fostos. He says they might even be on the same side. They've wanted to kill Fostos for a very long time, too. With great care, maybe even tenderness, Gabel gives Roan his cross and a pocket watch and tells her not to wait for them any longer than an hour. Roan paces and waits at their agreed upon meeting spot near the library and then realizes it was a trap, but not for her. She turns and rushes back to find the library on fire. Not needing to breathe and remembering Rapley dying in a similar way, Roan runs inside the library to find Gabel bleeding… dying. He gives her his Fostos book and tells her to run and hide, get a relic, control her rage, release Varr and become a goddess. 

Len 2019

Len is tracking a tall man with a scent of child blood on him to kill him to attract Roan, but when she gets close, he attacks her. Poulton is thrown back and the man comes at Len, meaning to kill. She uses her death rope as a lasso and strangles him, but he is able to break free. Roan arrives then, unleashing Varr. Len and Roan work together to kill the man, who Len realizes Roan knows, and then a void opens in space above him and a ragged figure falls out. The man tells them that the Sisterhood of Sparrows will bring about the end and then throws a knife and flees. Poulton jumps in front of it before Roan or Len can stop him. He says she needs to go get Zoey because something obviously bad is happening. Roan stays with Poulton while Len runs for Zoey.

Zoey 2019

Robin asks Zoey about her dreams and she describes them and her horns and the voice of the Beast. Robin is pleased and takes Zoey down into the lower levels of the Abbey and to a library. She explains that Len was there a long time ago and used a Conjure that corrupted the holiness of the once cathedral and that now, Unclosed women come there for healing. She invites Zoey to join the Sisterhood of Sparrows, which Zoey knows means worshiping the Beast, who Robin calls Lilith. Zoey agrees to join.

Len 2019

Len rushes to the cathedral, looking for Zoey, but it appears abandoned. She runs back to where she left Poulton and Roan and the figure that fell from the hole in the sky, telling them that she's messed up. Zoey is gone. Poulton is clearly dying and all he wants is for Zoey to be safe. Roan says to leave Poulton and tends to the girl who appeared, Emma ((!!)), but Len won't leave Poulton, that is, until police come. They leave Poulton, who is probably going to die or be arrested for kidnapping Zoey, but they need to find her. Roan suggests that Fostos has found the cathedral and that they need a Finder, which is what Zoey's conjure is. Well that's not good, if Fostos has them. He can use Zoey to find Roan. Roan asks Len to use her death rope to find her own father, Rapley, and ask him to help, and Roan and Varr will assist, so she tries. Apparently though, she finds Roan’s father instead.

Roan 2019

Roan, shocked that she's seeing her own father and not Rapley, asks him why he sent her to Mill House. He tells her he did not, that Maudley forged the letter and stole her away for Fostos. But if that's true, then why did he teach her Conjures, the Devil's Tongue? He taught her to be a weapon against Fostos, then he tells her how to defeat him. She must destroy his bones, which she thinks surely should've disintegrated by now. No. His bones became a relic and they can only be destroyed by a relic. Working together, she and Len destroyed the relic that they were attacked with earlier, so maybe they can destroy Fostos’s bones, and Fostos, for good. But Len wants to find Zoey and help Poulton… Roan relents to doing both. Later, Roan has a dream in which the Beast tells her how she can break her own bargain with him. She has to kill Raplen.

Zoey 2019

The Sisterhood of Sparrows takes Zoey out into the middle of an ancient wood and inducts her into their faith. They gather naked around a body and share a goblet of wine and blood, then ask Zoey if she wants to join in the Devil's Tongue. She accepts. They brand her with their symbol on the center of her chest and she can feel it. She can feel it! They chant the names of the goddesses and call for Zoey to rise. She is asked what she would give and she responds anything, then walks into the fire where horns erupt from her forehead and she transforms.


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